Suffering: Help and Direction Videos
Of First Importance.
When you feel like giving up. |
Does church hurt?
Jesus wants the rose. |
Pastor Francis Chan: When God Doesn't Listen. |
Priscilla Nicoara: I am Second. How this girl escaped Communist dogma and a mother who hated her.
When adultery and divorce shatter your dreams and life is endlessly sad... Jeff & Cheryl Scruggs.
Pornography addiction. Sex addiction. A wife who after 20 years of marriage is done with you. Nate Larkin's testimony.
"Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me?" John Piper talks on Spiritual Depression in the Psalms.
The ugly racism of growing up with the "wrong" skin color in Alabama. How do you overcome the bitterness and anger that grow inside you?