The Bookshelf: Recommended Reading and Resources

Navigators Press won the EPCA Gold Medal Medallion for producing the God's Design for Sex Series, a God-centered sex education curriculum for children to young adult. I have used it with my own children and can attest to how it not only informs them about the truth of God's designs for sex, but it also helps me and my wife in our job of protecting them from the world's attempts at destroying their godly understanding of true sexual intimacy and purpose by continually promoting the joy-filled, better purposes that God has for sexual intimacy.
This is a dark age. But we can win back our children from the current generation of slavery to sexual sin, where over eighty percent of men admit to struggling with pornography and perhaps up to fifty percent of pastors admit struggling with pornography. And the rise of young women's use is increasing very rapidly. But winning our children requires a type of Moses in every home to simply pick up books like these and start lovingly teaching God's vision for human sexuality at each age level the book is designed for.
This is a dark age. But we can win back our children from the current generation of slavery to sexual sin, where over eighty percent of men admit to struggling with pornography and perhaps up to fifty percent of pastors admit struggling with pornography. And the rise of young women's use is increasing very rapidly. But winning our children requires a type of Moses in every home to simply pick up books like these and start lovingly teaching God's vision for human sexuality at each age level the book is designed for.

It is no understatement to say that C.S. Lewis, the Oxford Don who came "kicking and screaming" to belief in God, was one of the most important writers of the 20th century. Mere Christianity is one of my favorite books and reinvigorates my faith when I read from it again and again. God has used this book to bring skeptics from unbelief in Jesus to saving faith in Jesus! I actually use it in counseling as one resource for assisting in building faith. If you have not read this yet, I hope you will. And then, I hope you will read a lot more Lewis!
P.S. For those inclined to wonder, while I do not think Mr. Lewis was a perfect theologian, I think he did much to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
P.S. For those inclined to wonder, while I do not think Mr. Lewis was a perfect theologian, I think he did much to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Genius, Grief and Grace by Dr. Gaius Davies is a treasure for the suffering. "This book is a celebration of God's Grace which transforms even those who suffer painful handicaps and disabilities. He offers no glib remedies. He tells the truth, that some of God's heroes and heroines have been eccentric and neurotic, and have suffered repeated breakdowns. He is well read and his book is well written. Its message in the end is Christ's word to Paul: 'My Grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness' (2 Cor. 12:9)." John Stott (1921-2011), Rector Emeritus, All Souls Church, Langham Place, London. I hope this book blesses you as much as it has me.

My clients and I have benefited so much from Mending the Soul: Understanding and Healing Abuse by Stephen Tracy of Phoenix Seminary. The overview from Amazon describes it well: "This book provides a well-researched biblical and scientific overview of abuse. A broad overview, it deals with the various types of abuse, the various effects of abuse, and the means of healing. Abuse can be sexual, physical, neglect, spiritual, and verbal. The chief arguments pursued throughout the book are: (1) abuse is far more rampant than most Christians realize, but due to human depravity and satanic influence, widespread abuse is predictable. (2) All types of abuse create profound, long-term soul damage due to the way abuse perverts various aspects of the image of God. (3) God is the healing redeemer. Human salvation came through horrible physical abuse. (4) Healing must take place in the context of relationships. Humans are deeply impacted by others due to being made in the image of God. Just as surely as abusive relationships have tremendous power to wound the soul, so healthy relationships have tremendous power to nurture and heal the soul. Questions answered in the book include: - How can a genuine believer abuse a child? - Why would someone abuse a child? - How can parents and childrens’ workers identify abusers? - How can abuse victims heal? - What does genuine healing look like? - Is anger appropriate or hurtful for abuse victims? - Where does forgiveness fit in? Helpful sample child protection policy, application, screening interview, and warning signs of potential abusers equip ministry leaders. Illustrations, case studies, and art therapy drawings."

Wounded Heart: Hope for Adult Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse by Dan Allender is a wise, sensitively written, biblical book that is so helpful for those who suffered so horribly as children. Whether you still stuffer, need further healing or want to understand or help others in their healing, this is a book filled with Gospel grace, healing and mercy. My clients have been so helped as we examine the often unknown, negative effects childhood sexual abuse is having in their present lives, leading to new, improved lives.

Christians & Sex? Do they really go together? I often say that if you were an alien visiting this planet and only went to church, you would probably not know that people had sex. However, if you then went out into the world, you would then learn that sex is worshipped by many as the most important thing in the universe - promising more joy than God himself. Isn't that sad?
I believe that Christians should have the most to say about sex. Wonderful, positive things! After all, God created it! In fact, if you look at your Bible at Genesis 1:28, the first thing God instructs the couple to do is to make love - how else can they "be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it"? Sadly, the first effect of sin at the fall was shame in nakedness (Genesis 3:7). And ever since we have fought this as Christians with very few, if any, positive Gospel tools. Instead, we privately let the world, led by Hugh Hefner and the Sexual Revolution teach us how to "lose our shame" in nakedness. This must end!
Thankfully, we now have Christian Sex Therapists who are thoughtful, wise and called to the important work of helping us see that married sexual intimacy is a gift from God to be enjoyed for His glory. Doug Rosenau, my professor and mentor at the Institute for Sexual Wholeness at Richmont Graduate School, is one of those people. He has written a comprehensive and very helpful book called A Celebration of Sex: A Guide to Enjoying God's Gift of Sexual Intimacy. I recommend this as a resource for every married couple.
I believe that Christians should have the most to say about sex. Wonderful, positive things! After all, God created it! In fact, if you look at your Bible at Genesis 1:28, the first thing God instructs the couple to do is to make love - how else can they "be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it"? Sadly, the first effect of sin at the fall was shame in nakedness (Genesis 3:7). And ever since we have fought this as Christians with very few, if any, positive Gospel tools. Instead, we privately let the world, led by Hugh Hefner and the Sexual Revolution teach us how to "lose our shame" in nakedness. This must end!
Thankfully, we now have Christian Sex Therapists who are thoughtful, wise and called to the important work of helping us see that married sexual intimacy is a gift from God to be enjoyed for His glory. Doug Rosenau, my professor and mentor at the Institute for Sexual Wholeness at Richmont Graduate School, is one of those people. He has written a comprehensive and very helpful book called A Celebration of Sex: A Guide to Enjoying God's Gift of Sexual Intimacy. I recommend this as a resource for every married couple.

Christian Hedonism. Now that's a bizarre term when you first hear it, isn't it? And Pastor Piper pushes us to see it is appropriate. "God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in Him," he declares and defends in Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist. The way John Piper makes much of God makes you see, perhaps for the first time, that making much of God is the truest pathway of joy. That God's glory and our joy are not at odds with each other! God WANTS us to be happy. He is not a grumpy old God looking to punish. He is good. And God's aim is that people might find the greatest joy possible - in God Himself through Jesus. You may download the book for free in Adobe PDF format if you wish!
More Excellent Books and Websites for Resources
Biblical Counselor and Author Ed Welch has written some very wise, helpful books. Two that I like most are Depression: Looking Up from the Stubborn Darkness and Shame Interrupted: How God Lifts the Pain of Worthlessness & Rejection.
An amazing treasury of free Christian classics are available at The Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
Biblical Counselor and Author Ed Welch has written some very wise, helpful books. Two that I like most are Depression: Looking Up from the Stubborn Darkness and Shame Interrupted: How God Lifts the Pain of Worthlessness & Rejection.
An amazing treasury of free Christian classics are available at The Christian Classics Ethereal Library.